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Monday, March 1, 2010

Internet Marketing - Three Mistakes Marketers Make That Kill Their Financial Success

Internet Marketing is a really attractive new way to run a business. There is low overhead, no boss watching over your shoulder to worry about, no office politics, and you can stay at home or travel the world doing it. But only if you are financially successful. If you have not yet achieved the level of financial success in internet marketing that you desire, you will want to find out about the three mistakes internet marketers make. Then ask yourself if you feel you are making one or more yourself. The mistakes are: Not being flexible enough in your marketing activities, Not having your direction clearly in front of you, and not reaching out enough to explore the new or at least different avenues. Let us see how each of these mistakes can kill your financial success in internet marketing.  Mistake 1: Not being flexible in your actions. Internet Marketing, about 15 years after its invention, is still developing rapidly. New techniques, shiny new e-books, video seminars are promising you a new, easier and faster way to riches on the internet. The growth of the internet marketing revenues is still well into the double digits in percentage terms regardless of the rest of the economy. So what some marketers do is they close themselves up from exploring new avenues of approach, sticking with what somewhat works, and hoping for the best.

That is not flexible. Others go out and purchase each and every single one of the new e-books promising a system to riches. You would think these people are showing a high degree of flexibility. Yet, not all is as it looks. Most of the purchasers of the new systems and shiny e-books read the book, try it out, and then move on to something else. This looks like flexibility but it is not. The people who do this are inflexible in their actions. They can read but they can not do the work that is required usually. So they go back to doing the thing they know, missing their stated goals.  Mistake 2: Not having your direction clearly in front of you. Having your goals clearly stated and being aware of them is important. Yes there is time for creativity, and flexibility in actions, but from time to time it is important to just take a break and ask yourself. Are my actions taking me closer toward my stated goals or are they taking me farther from them. To know that, you do need to make an honest comparison with your stated goals.  Mistake 3: Not reaching and exploring the new avenues. This is related to Mistake 1. It is hard to be flexible in your actions when all choices you see in front of you and you can act on, are unpleasant. That will happen when you resign and stop constantly reaching out and finding new ways to improve on what you are doing or what else you could be doing that could complement, improve, or totally replace what you are doing today.  When you learn that any of the three mistakes will hold you back from reaching your financial goals in internet marketing, it is time to take some action indeed. Go out and explore new ways of doing things. It is the second decade of the Third Millennium already, you see. It is not your dads internet! Learn a new skill that will increase your flexibility. And review your goals. Do they still make sense for you? There is no point in chasing old shadows. Make your new goals fresh and worthy of achieving. Internet marketing as a rapidly growing field can be the means to achieve them.
Jason has been writing articles for over three years. Not only does this author specialize in internet, business, computers, and spirituality, you can also check out his latest website with several battery alarm clock reviews.

Globalization and Internet Marketing

Globalization, information systems, emerging technologies, quality research and healthy strategic implementations are taking vital role in shrinking the world and whole pattern of activities are changing in the business world. To understand the causes and predict the consequences of the changes that take place, an organization needs to appreciate the broader business issues that are involved and the factors in the business environment which bring about such changes. Customer behavior, attitude, living and family style, quality perception, economic condition, new legislations, government policies and many hundred of factors are changing in this dynamic world.  Organizations in the changing competitive environment are same like ships are racing at sea. They are also trying to beat each other and simultaneously they are also fighting for their survival in changing climate. In silent sea and clear weather they firmly move towards their target. Some times the same quiet weather becomes malevolent and ships faced the heavy rain and rough sea that make difficult the forward steps. Some times there is heavy fog and they suffered a high risk to lose their right path. At same time there is also fear of the icebergs at unpredictable places and one wrong move can be cause for death (Proctor, 2000). Same uncertainties are facing the organizations in the global environment. Every time we are traveling in the thick fog, no one knows that what exactly change will come in future?

The computer hardware industry and service provider is the fast growing industry and providing the great value to its customers. The global software market was $95 billion in 1996 and in 2000; according to the International data corporation (IDC) it was estimated to be the worth of $180 billion (Howells, 2002). The changing global picture has also a strong influence on this software market. The more sophisticated and demanding customers, changing marketing and product management, virtualization of the payment and distribution channel set the new strategies and approaches for the software industry.
Internet Marketing Companies also need to respond and adapt to changing environmental conditions if they intended to survive. They can instigate changes in the environment which are in their own interest. The company who aligns his business with these changes of the environment he will be successful in the list of rivals. Naveed writes different articles on Internet marketing and SEO. He is professional SEO and eCommerce developer.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Free Stuff Online - Smart Companies Offer All Kinds of Free Stuff to Anyone Who Wants It

There is much free stuff floating online. You can get anything from free samples to free gift cards and free product trials. All of this stuff is offered to you free, why? Marketing of course!  To be successful businesses know they must keep their products and services in front of their customers. One of the easiest ways to do this is to offer free stuff online to anyone who will sign up and complete their free stuff offer.  If the free stuff is a download (ebook, music, game, etc.) the company may ask for an email address in exchange for access to the download.  If it's a physical product (samples, gift cards, free trial products, etc.) they will ask kindly "Where do you want us to ship your free product?" You will be asked to provide name, mailing address, phone number and email address.  Remember, just because you don't pay a cent for it, it does not mean it's free. You must exchange something, usually your time and contact information, for your "FREE GIFT."
A similar thing happens in the offline world: you walk into a store and the first thing you see is an older lady or gentleman offering you a sample of a drink, cookie or cereal. Why? They want to catch you as you enter the store to introduce you to their product so that on this or a subsequent visit you may purchase their product.
Funnily enough, many online companies have been created just for the purpose of offering free stuff to web surfers. With these tantalizing offers for free everything these marketers are driving hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of targeted web surfers to their clients websites.

By providing your contact info you have permitted the merchant to begin a marketing campaign aimed at you via your email. This is a perfectly legit way of marketing to you as you have agreed to their terms and conditions by checking their compliance box and providing them with your email address.  Using your email address the marketer will begin by sending you the requested free stuff followed by special offers and other marketing messages regarding the other great opportunities they have for you. The company is investing in you, their customer, by educating you about the company and their products. Unlike a marriage, you can opt out of this relationship at anytime.  Even though you were initially only interested in the free sample, product or free trial, you are now being exposed to the company's extensive product mix which the merchant believes may be of interest to you.   There are many reputable free stuff offers on the web. As you surf the web keep in mind that your privacy is important, you do not want to get a flood of spam emails to your private or work email accounts. You must know how to avoid spam in your private and work or business email accounts.

3 Alternative Ways to Generate Profits From the Internet 
If you are one who likes to stay at home and want to make money, internet business is the best way for you to make it happen. All you need is a computer that is connected to the Internet and little ability to operate a computer. To be able to run this business, you should have some experience of online business to run smoothly.  If you already have a base of online business, make money from the internet will become easier. Below are some methods you can use to make money.  Recognize your talents  If you are an expert in programming, writing or web design, you can try offering your services through a forum that is widely available. In addition to channel a hobby, you can also make money from your hobby.  Look for online teaching

For those of you who have the talent to teach, you can try to find a job at a university or teaching institution. Now it is a lot of online courses that will allow students to learn from home without having to go out. In addition to sharing knowledge, you can also get paid from teaching.  Write a review on specific products
If you have a blog, you can try to offer your services to producers of products to write reviews about their products. If you already have a blog associated with product reviews, it is not impossible that someday there will be companies that will contact you to review their products. Fees earned from writing product reviews big enough and can be done easily.  There are more ways to produce money from the internet. In addition to writing about the Internet business, we also write some reviews on our new blog at Tramontina Dutch Oven who also discussed the Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Internet Marketing - Offline Marketing For Your Web Business 

Advertising offline to promote your web business is a great idea. After all you need to tell as many people about your product or service as possible. But it is often said that 90% of advertising is wasted, but most business people, either don't know this or just don't know how to work out which is the effective 10% part. This article clearly lays out what not to do.
1. Building Brand awareness
Perhaps the biggest lie you will ever be told in business,apart from the cheque is in the mail,is that you need to build a brand to be successful. So why doesn't it work? Brand awareness requires a large advertising budget. You just want people to visit your website.  Brand building is just a way for newspapers, radio and television stations to get you to commit to a contract in which you will place a series of ads over a given period. It just doesn't work!  What you need to do is place simple direct response, emotional response ads, with the goal of having clients act now! This way you can measure exactly the response from each ad. If you are brand building, you are waiting for someone to contact you sometime when they are ready. You cannot measure this kind of ad. You are just wasting your money.  Even the big companies with massive budgets use direct response. The have a special, an offer or a new product. And there is always a time limit. So if you want it you have to get it now.
2. Movie Advertising
Advertising at the movies is also a waste of money. For a start how often do you have a pen and paper handy in the dark while watching the pre movie ads. Several times I have thought sounds good, only to forget the URL or phone number before I get home.  Also the ads are not always appropriate to the movie. e.g. An ad for a beauty therapist at a boy style action flick. Or recently I saw an ad for super fast internet packages, but it requires ADSL2 which our region won't have for years. Avoid it!
3. Directory Ads
Directories are somewhere between a complete waste of time and at times just a scam. Once you are in one directory you will be contacted by others. If it's for a charity then its OK as long as you consider it a donation and don't rely on any business from this so called advertising.
4. Calender Ads
Its the same deal as directories. I have advertised in a Calender for a several years. I see it as just a support for this Calender. I don't ever recall anyone contacting me. People just don't see the ads.
5. Graphic designers
This links back to the brand awareness. The vast majority of graphic designers have no clue, no interest, or no experience in marketing. They want to make your ad or website look flashy or even worse their job is to make your ad compatible with the overall look or a publication.  They dislike simple direct response non flashy ads. But they are not the one paying for the ad. You are! and now for your free information on internet marketing go to   For my regular blog on many aspects of internet business go to

Monday, January 25, 2010

Secret to Online Business Success - What Time Do You Get Up? 

Secret to online business success - What do you need to know. What is the very best secret to online business success? Most people would like to know the "magic bullet" to an online business. This business can be very difficult to break into but if you only had that one thing that most do not have you would be on your way to success. The truth is that the majority of people in this industry lack this important component.
The best secret to online business success is integrity. The real definition of integrity is consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcome.  Now most people think that integrity is about truth and it is but it is more about becoming consistent. Being consistent is the most important thing that you can do to build your business. It is critical to your online success.  What integrity means to me is doing what you say you're going to do by when you say you are going to it. How many of us actually do this on a regular basis? I know that I am at the gym every morning 5 days per week by 7:00am. I am there because I told myself that I was going to be there no matter what. I am holding my self responsible to be there because I know that if I am there then I will work out and be healthy. This is a one example of having integrity. It is really this simple.

I am consistent is my ability to be at the gym by 7:00 am 5 days per week. When you are consistent in your actions, methods, measures and principals then you will get a consistent outcome. Now apply this to your business. The best secret to online business success is integrity. If you were to be consistent in writing articles, making videos and managing your PPC account then you would be making more money than most CEO's of corporations.  When you want others to follow you to your team you must have the actions that back up the words. To build a business and attract prospects to you, you must be consistent and have integrity. Before someone decides to follow you or join your business they look at your track record. Will they see a record of integrity? You have to be the model for them. And the higher that you get on the ladder of success the more visible your integrity or lack of it becomes.  A person's integrity is displayed through their actions. And in a time of crisis a person's integrity becomes way more evident. So incorporate the trait of integrity in to your business today. It pays off long term through the losses and sacrifices in the short term. The entrepreneurs that make it BIG in this industry have an incredible amount of integrity.  Therefore, use this secret to online business success to build your business today.   Lance Blackburn is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Lance and his team have assisted hundreds of people in generating massive profits in their first year. For more information and to contact Lance, visit Or visit his blog at

Website Traffic - There Are Some Free Marketing Methods That Will Drive Traffic to Your Website
In order to have a thriving home business you have to have a steady flow of website traffic.  There are a variety of marketing methods that you can use to drive traffic to your site, but one of the most successful methods is to submit to Internet, and article directories.  Whether you submit to article directories, or Internet directories if you add to your marketing routine article, and directory submission you will find that you will receive a increase in website visitors.  When you submit to Internet, and Article directories you will be benefiting from these free marketing methods.  Marketing your website business, product, or service does not have to cost you a cent, even though you will see lots of marketing promotions advertising guaranteed visitors, or hits, buyer beware there are a lot of sites that use some sort of software that will simulate traffic to your website not real visitors.  Submitting to the variety of Internet directories, and article directories are your best choice, by doing so you will be able to get a more targeted visitor to your website, and have a better chance to increase your sales.

There are thousands of folks that are searching article directories and Internet directories each and everyday for information on products,on lots of topics, business ideas and services. Just make sure that your website has high quality content, and you will draw the traffic that you seek and be successful.  By submitting articles to article directories you will be delivery high quality content to thousands of people each and every day.  Make sure that when you are submitting your article that your article content is unique and fresh, there are so much duplicate content out there on the Internet and if your name is connected to it, you will find that you will not be taken seriously at all.  By submitting fresh and unique content that is on topic you will in time create a very good brand for yourself and you will find that your website visitors will increase and you will have a flow of continuous visitors to your website.  One of the most important things to keep in mind when creating your articles is to make sure that it connects with the keywords on your website, that is so very important, if you stick to that you will find that you will be ranked higher on the search engines.  Remember without a steady flow of website traffic your site will just be one published website accumulating dust. So get busy and start submitting.  To find out more about free internet marketing methods check the resource box below
To Access More Internet Marketing Methods and Resources just Visit The Following Site below
Successful Internet Marketing